Sunday, February 24, 2008

Visit to Argentina coming to an end

We had an awesome stay in Argentina this past month. Melina has learned so many things this month and she was so good with her family. She is standing up by herself and she loves going for "walks" with people as long as somebody helps her with both hands. She can also wave hello and goodbye or "hola" and "chau". She learned to move her hands with a Spanish song "Qué linda manito" or "What a pretty hand".

Melina also adapted very well to a new schedule she was not used to. In the beginning she had a hard time to go to sleep in a new crib but her sleeping improved considerably. Her eating habits also changed a little. She was introduced to a few new things, such as pasta a la beurre.

Despite all these minor changes, Melina's biggest thing was to be surrounded by a lot of people. She was a "social baby" at all times and she enjoyed playing with family and friends of Argentina.

We are coming back to Canada in three days and we know we will be missing not only the summer but also our family that showed us so much love.

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker