Friday, October 27, 2006

We are now at 18 weeks of my pregnancy. Well, according to my due date, it is 17 weeks but the ultrasound has it at 18 weeks. So, perhaps we may have a March baby! The baby is a mover and likes to change positions. The cutest I saw was its legs and feet, with the feet pressed against the wall as if it was getting ready to do a backflip! The hands were so defined and one was constantly playing with the umbilical cord. We have one photo of the baby sucking its thumb.

I am already showing well considering I'm only four months pregnant, but it's all good. I enjoy having a "belly" and just hearing the comments of me "glowing" is pretty awesome. So now the question is -- is it a boy or a girl?

We wanted to find out... I guess to help us prepare. If it is to be a boy, I would need to learn how to understand the other gender, and it is to be a girl, Lucas would have to be prepared in having a "Daddy's Girl". One thing we know for sure, are the names -- and we're not telling!

The plus of this pregnancy is that my in-laws are visiting us and it will be their first trip to Canada. It will also be the first time my family will meet them. I'm very excited and I hope that I won't be too exhausted to be a good hostess. But my mom (fingers crossed) may be around to help out. Please! :)

Anyway, please enjoy the ultrasound photos and please check out on our other photos recent travels ( Lucas, Adele, Carl and I went to a corn maze in Belmont, Ontario. It was so much fun! We only got lost once but luckily made our way through.

Hola a todos! Esta es una nueva entrega. Hoy tuvimos la segunda ecografía, a las 18 semanas de embarazo. La mayor expectativa estaba puesta en saber si se podía establecer si el babé es varón o niña. Por ahora, nos quedamos con las ganas y debido a que esta fue la última ecografía, tendremos que esperar hasta que el bebé nazca para saber.

Karen se encuentra muy bien, disfrutando mientras siente que el bebé ya empieza a dar pataditas. Lucas aún está a la expectativa, ya que es muy pronto para sentir el movimiento del bebé desde afuera.

Hoy, como durante la ecografía pasada, el bebé no dejó de moverse. Incluso esta vez lo vimos "jugar" con el cordón umbilical. En una de las fotos, van a ver cómo se chupa el dedo.

De acuerdo a las medidas tomadas durante la ecografía, el bebé tiene una longitud de 11.5 centímetros. No estamos muy seguros si esta es la medida que nos dijeron, pero generalmente es acorde a esta etapa del embarazo.

Esta vez también pudimos ver los latidos del corazón, incluso de manera más clara que la última vez.

Ahora los dejamos con las fotos de la ecografía. Esperamos que las disfruten tanto como nosotros.

Karen & Lucas

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker